📄️ History
The Johnston County Health Study is a continuation of the Johnston County Osteoarthritis Project, a population-based study, which examines the incidence, prevalence, and progression of osteoarthritis in rural Johnston County, North Carolina. This long-term study has received continuous funding from government and other sources since 1991.
📄️ Selected publications
Below are a list of some of our selected publications. (You may also download a plain text file of the data)[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQ8O9YePYu4-TJEX6l8QEcdL0eKQfKXDODoNCTmFmfQVP8pAXDnnHRM1IE4vYlF1Z8qAk2Ku7d0LJ/pub?gid=710586540&single=true&output=csv].
📄️ Our approach to JoCoKnow
Determining the technology